Our Ingredients

The ingredients which we use in our entire range of products comprises of exotic herbs sourced from across Indian Subcontinent. While some are sourced from deep forests of Himalayan foothills, others are sourced from forests of western ghats. While some herbs are hard to find, others can be found in your daily kitchen essentials. Our ingredients include a plethora of leaves, buds, fruits, stems, roots, barks, gums and resins which are well researched from ancient times and are surprisingly far more excellent than any existing lab formulated chemical compounds to replace them.
Rose acts as a coolant, nervine and improves the complexion. Loads of antioxidants in it neutralize free radicals and helps in skin tissue regeneration thereby helping delay the signs of aging. It is super hydrating for skin. It helps lighten spots, evens skin tone, heals acne scars.
It is very popular cosmetic aid due to its abilities of moisturising, healing and regenerating skin. It is highly beneficial in treating dandruff and dermatitis. It helps relieve the scalp from itchiness due to its moisturizing effect. Its antioxidizing properties prevent cell damage. Along with moisturising the scalp, it prevents hair from becoming dry and frizzy. It also help prevent hair loss.
Amla is one of the best known natural anti-aging herb.Prolonged use of this is said to keep skin youthful and wrinkle free. It is one of the best cooling and cleansing agent for the skin. It helps draw out all pollutants from the skin surface and helps keep skin pollution free.It also provides protection from pimple, sunburn and other skin problems. It also helps in managing acne and acne scars. Its astrigent properties makes it one of the best natural skin toner.
Arjuna acts as an efficient coolant for skin which helps treat acne caused due to vitiated pitta. Its astrigent properties helps keep in check excess oil production in the skin. It helps in regeneration of skin cells, hydrates the skin and prevents skin from sagging.
The Sanskrit word 'bhringaraja' literally means that which bestows hair the splendid colour like that of a humming bee. It helps blacken the hair. It is the best natural hair dye. Its synonyms 'kesaraja' literally means good and beneficial for hair. It helps prevent premature graying of hair and helps make the hair silky and shiny. It is also effective in managing dandruff, hair fall, premature graying of hair, split hair and much more.
Sanskrit word 'Brahmi' is derived from 'Brahma', the creator of the Universe. Brahmi is highly esteemed as a rejuvenator. It is one of the best nervine tonic which helps sooth and calm down the brain. Hair oils enhanced with Brahmi is very useful for promoting hair growth and to prevent hairfall
Curry leaves
After bhringraj curry leaves are of great importance for human hair. It is widely used as cosmetic aid for hair especially in souther states of India. Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and keep hairs strong. It also prevent hair fall, boosts hair growth and helps treat mild dandruff. It serves as hair tonic. Hair Oil medicated with curry leaves provide nourishment to damaged hair.
Curry leaves
Kaolin Clay
Kaolin Clay absorbs excess oil, draws out impurities, evens skin tone and helps tighten the skin.It helps maintain the pH balance of the skin and helps restore natural moisture of the skin.
Kaolin Clay
Kushtha has been valued as one of the most versatile medicinal herbs since ages. It is a great panacea for various skin diseases. It is known as great deodorising and rejuvenating herb. It also promotes complexion by increasing the blood flow towards skin surface
Lavender calms nerves and soothes skin. It is specifically helpful in dry skin condition.It helps in treating dry, irritated or inflammed skin. With its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties it helps treats pimples and prevents new ones from forming.
Manjishtha is one of the most renouned herbs for beauty. Charaka mentions it as a VARNYA herb(complexion promoting) as it is very useful and beneficial for skin whitening. Due to its ability to pacify pitta from skin, it is very beneficial in treating acne and acne scars. It imparts glow and soothens the skin effectively.
Mulethi acts as skin tissue rejuvenative. It imparts glow and lusture to the skin and aids to remove blemishes and dark spots. From vedic era, it is well known for its skin lightening and brightening properties. It imparts the complexion and fairness to the skin. Also, it nourishes all skin tissues.
Mushtaka was held in high esteem by the ancient sages of India. Due to its deodorising and cooling effect, it effectively relieves the itching sensation and the foul body odour. It effectively treats skin ailments such as eczema, scabies. It naturally lightens skin complexion by inhibiting melanin formation responsible for skin darkening.
It is one of the best known natural exfoliating agent. Nothing is as effective as neeem to bring about scrubbing cleansing effect. It tackles both blackheads and whiteheads like nothing else. It balances sebum and oil production. It helps reduce post-acne scars and minimises skin inflammation.
Orange Peel
Orange Peel is one of the best known Natural Tan Remover. Gives skin an unmatchable shine and youthful radiance. Being a powerhouse of vitamin C, it helps evenout skin tone and texture by increasing collagen production. It restores the elasticity in the skin layer thereby making skin firm and youthfull.
Orange Peel
A2 Cow Milk
Milk rich in A2 casein protein is referred to as A2 milk. This milk comes from Indian Breed Cows such as Giri, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi etc. This is the only cow milk which was ever used in traditional recipes and can be termed as actual cow milk. It is a rich source of Calcium that prevents hair fall and promotes hair growth. Vitamin D in it helps in the growth of new hair follicles. Also, it provides us with other nutrients like Vitamin A, B6, biotin and potassium that make the hair soft, smooth and glossy.
A2 Cow Milk
Sariva acts as a deodorant, coolant and promotes complexion. It acts as tonic for the skin and supports tissue regeneration thereby making skin healthy and youthful. It helps even out the skin tone and smoothen out the skin texture. It also acts as natural cleanser to add glow to the skin.
It is known as the best brain tonic since time immemorial. It was held in high esteem by the ancient sages of India. It helps to calm down the brain and helps relieve anxiety as well as strees. Applying Shankhpushpi oil on the scalp and hair help control hair fall and also promotes hair growth due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property.
It is a powerful ayurvedic plant that has been used for generations as a cleanser for healthy, long hair and dandruff management. Due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity it helps effectively in dandruff and hair-loss management.
Tila acts as skin tonic, reduces the dryness of the skin. It is one of the best skin rejuvenatives. It deeply nourishes the skin and helps in keeping it young. Tila is very potent cure for darkness and blemishes. It is one of the very powerful complexion promoting herbs.
Since time immemorial seibisus known as "Japa" in Sanskrit has been known for it's powerful anti-hairfall qualities. The entire plant has been in use ages. as potent herb for haircare since ages.
Our Practices

We at Kanttiveda closely work with farmers and certified sellers for their fresh and authentic produce as source of our raw material. All our raw materials are lab tested for their purity and authenticity before they find place in our product formulations. We practice traditional methods for formulating our handmade recipes without use of modern ways. Minute flaws in our products is the evidence of them being HANDMADE with utmost care and love.
We support women in business as 80% of our workforce right from research, production to distribution of our products comprises of mighty women.